

‘L’appel du voyageur’ ; ‘the call of the voyager.’

The name embodies my wanderlust spirit.
Besides this it is also about sharing stories. I used to have a soft voice and shouting my stuff in to the world has never been my thing.
Though over the years I have increasingly gotten the itch to raise my voice. ‘The call of the traveler’ is the one who makes herself heard, makes something known, confronts people with stuff.

I have an atypical dutch name: Heather Poppeliers. I grew up in the South-West of the Netherlands. I can call myself a Dutch and a Hollander. 

The website is a way to connect people with my work. In the nearby feaure I would love to have some galleries so I can showcase my work on a more ‘face to face’ level.


If you have not yet wandered around; get a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate milk; get comfy and scroll and stroll between the pages of this little place on the internet